Maps of Ascension
Maps of Ascension Podcast
You Have to Become Friends with Yourself First

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You Have to Become Friends with Yourself First

About Friendship - Part II

Welcome to part II of the friendship transmission. As always what I receive is closely linked to my personal life - it feels like I am living the Maps of Ascension. That their unfolding is the same as my unfolding. And as a part of that unfolding I am revisiting my relationship with the concept of friendship and it is quite revealing.

As I mentioned in …

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Maps of Ascension
Maps of Ascension Podcast
Here I am in contact with my spiritual guides whom I have known for over a year. They have proven to be uplifting, enlightening, and helpful all that time. Mostly it is advice on emotional and spiritual topics and concepts. Those recordings transfer way more than just the words and if you want to have the full effect, I encourage you to drop the mind for as much as you can, sit down in stillness, and listen with your heart wide open.